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Profcold GmbH
Helmholtzstrasse 6
28309 Bremen, Germany
Bremen HRB 34347
Geschäftsführer Firat Yücel und Yilmaz Yücel
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There is professional liability insurance with R+V Allgemeine Versicherung AG, Raiffeisenplatz 1, 65189 Wiesbaden. The insurance cover meets at least the requirements of § 67 StBerG, § 51 et seq. DVStB, especially with regard to the geographical scope.
Conception, design and programming:
Profcold GmbH
Helmholtzstrasse 6
28309 Bremen, Germany
Bremen HRB 34347
Geschäftsführer Firat Yücel und Yilmaz Yücel